Article Marketing Course

Last Update: August 18, 2010

Just signed up for this Article Marketing course recommended to me by a respected WA member. I love the attitude of the person who made this course. It is obvious how sincere and helpful he is from his video. I learned an important lesson from his sales page. It is that you can achieve success many ways  on the internet but the most effective way is by really helping others.

His sincerity is apparent from the cost of his course. I have come across so many courses for us newbies to IM but they are so expensive, that we can not even dream about investing in them till we start making sales...but why would we need them when we start making sales after all?

It was refreshing to see a program that did not make the same sky scraping promises we are all trying to become immune to, all it promises is to teach you skills to write more effective articles so you can get more traffic, higher CTR and maximize your conversion.

I am really excited to start this course. I will update you all as I implement it and let you know how it works.

Until then, wish me luck. I like this program so much, I even became an affiliate.  If you would like to check out this course please use my affiliate link.

 BTW, I got the best B'day present ever! My first sale! Technically, it is my 3rd sale, but it is the first one that is more than cents. So I am a happy camper.

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SP1976 Premium
I sat up late last night and watched the first 3 videos in the series and one thing David says in that which really stuck is that we have the tendency to do everything in the beginning and 'spread ourselves too thin', eventually nothing works and we end up frustrated. He said we should focus on one thing and persist till it works. That is such a great point, and Maureen you are so right because how many times have I heard that before, but this time it 'stuck'.
maureenhannan Premium
I read that book too, and I walked through the videos about a month ago. There were things about the presentation that really appealed to me and "stuck." There were also things in the WA training that were very specific and impactful. Funny, sometimes it's just the timing and the way you relate to the sequence and style of the presentation. I set a monthly budget for tools and training materials, and I do not see it as a conflict or sign of weakness to buy additional resources at the recommendation of people I trust. I just see it as covering all my bases and pummeling my brain with the stuff I need to sink in and stick. Just my $.02 worth. :-)
SP1976 Premium
You are quite correct about knowing where to look ad also about the forum. I do wholeheartedly believe that WA has provided a great resource here. Many of the programs out there are repetitive and make too many promises and have too good of a sales page, so it is kind of hard to believe that all you need is already here. I did read the eBook today and loved the way it was presented. Can't wait to start watching the videos there. As I said before, I have not invested in anything other that WA for my IM training, but this one seemed like it was a great price and did seem like it focused on article writing to increase traffic. It is like WA was my college and this can offer a specialization.
erussell Premium
I'd have to disagree, because there is so much info, you just need to know where to look. The action plan is a bit general, but it's a solid foundation for those who do not know much or very little. As for finding out the nitty gritty stuff, there are many tutorials created by Kyle, Carson, and the WA users. The forums also have a massive amount of good information...I'd say most of the gold nuggets are in the forums. I'm not bashing buying stuff, but you do have to hold yourself back a lot. I actually purchased that course quite some time ago, and thought the way it was presented was superb!
SP1976 Premium
My take on it is, WA has a very good curriculum but it is a little generalized at times. The resources here are endless but once you have gone through all that and decided which route you want to follow(in my case it is article marketing for now) you feel there is not enough here to specialize on that. I am very proud to say that I have resisted 98% of the offers I have come across but I really needed to capitalize on my article marketing skills...that's why this one appealed to me.