Posts by StacyS 4
August 22, 2010
Challenging You To "The Challenge." So what am I talking about? I'm talking about "The Challenge." Have you checked it out?   Well, if you haven't, you should. Especially those of you who don't like writing articles. Basically, the challenge is a free Internet marketing course that takes place over the course of 16 weeks and teaches you how to make money online (without spending any money). It's not just any "make money online" course, though. It is seriou
I'm in LOVE With This New Tool!!! MacSpeech Dictate I am absolutely, 100%, unequivocally in LOVE with this new tool that I installed today.  Right now as you're reading this, I am actually not typing it at all. I'm pacing around the floor (my favorite way to brainstorm). Today I installed MacSpeech Dictate. If you don't have it, you need to get it. Right. Now. I cannot explain to you how much I absolutely love it. In one night, five hours time, I've been able to accomplish more writing t
Recovering from Demotivation Timely advice.... Saw this post earlier today and thought you guys might enjoy it. It talks about all the different types of demotivation and the best way to recover from them. For example, one thing I thought was very interesting was the fact that some types of motivation issues get WORSE with more goal-setting, planning, organizing, and accountability structures.  The types of demotivation are: fear, setting the wrong goals, lack of clarity, values confl
Choices, Choices How do you stop the constant analyzing & get down to it?  There are so many choices in internet marketing, I can totally understand why people get stuck and frustrated. How do you make a choice when you are first starting out on a project? For example, at the moment I have a site in the health niche that I am almost done designing and going to start driving traffic to. I have put a lot of care into it, writing fantastic content & custom designing the entire thing
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