About StacyS
Joined June 2010
Hi! I'm Stacy. :)
I live in Atlanta, but have lived all over - most recently San Francisco. I miss it very much.
I've been creating websites, communities, and blogs for many years. I've created sites in every niche, but my main niche is health.
My specialties are in - search engine optimization (SEO), Wordpress, writing, and graphic design.

Please let me know if I can help you, there is nothing I like more than helping people who truly want to succeed.
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maureenhannan Premium
Thanks for the blog comment, Stacy. Interesting that you've been on both sides of the mentoring thing. And I agree with you re the challenges for the mentor when the student just doesn't get it. Time is a precious commodity, and it'd be easy to let an ineffectual mentoring relationship get in the way of getting one's primary work done. I'm not sure I'd know the best way to go about setting up small groups here, but I do know it'd be cool to be in one with you. :-) Any ideas?
maureenhannan Premium
Hi Stacy! You don't owe me a message--I think I owe YOU one. :-) But in any event, thanks for stopping by and tossing ideas around re small group sharing/mentoring. I guess some would say the forum ought to serve to group people topically. I, however, do not feel at ease in forums. I don't feel accountability in that environment either--since people come in and out, say what they want to say, and sometimes disappear. I'd love to belong to a small group for, as you say, "other niche site/blog/mini-site creators." When you say "group blog," what do you mean by that? I'm intrigued...care to explain a bit more? :-) Thanks, Stacy! (BTW, my stuff has been on hold this week because of one family crisis, four house guests, one child illness, and some landlord responsibilities. I am very eager to get back on track. How did your project turn out?)
StacyS Premium
Hi there. :) Hmmm, well, one way to do it would be to just blog about it and ask if anyone would be interested. I will do that tomorrow if I can remember! I think it would be really cool if they were organized by where we are in our IM journey... like you & I and other niche site/blog/mini-site creators... then people who are doing more of the product creation thing in their own group (though I will be there soon enough, myself), really new newbies in another group...etc etc. Though I wonder... a group blog? Hmmm, lots of potential ways to go about this. I will think about it. How are your sites doing? I owe you a big private message... if I can get this one project finished before I crash, I will send you one. If not, tomorrow it is!
maureenhannan Premium
I'm passing those vibes your way, Stacy! Loved your comment on my blog--thanks for the high-energy support! And for visiting my latest site. Heading over to read my PM's now. If I don't respond right away, it's because I'm heading off to visit a favorite aunt later this morning and to do a bit of catching up :-) Thanks again, Stacy. ~ Maureen
Sherion Premium
I at some point will probably love to have your help. I am a newbie to all of IM. I am in lesson 4 here at WA. I have not been doing much but studying. Can I add you as a buddy? I will probably be hollering for your help soon enough. Thanks.
iFaith Premium
Hi Stacy. Good to meet you and looking forward to getting to know you. Cheers to a great successful 2010!
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family