I'm in LOVE!!! (With This New Tool)

Last Update: August 16, 2010

I'm in LOVE With This New Tool!!!

MacSpeech Dictate

I am absolutely, 100%, unequivocally in LOVE with this new tool that I installed today.  Right now as you're reading this, I am actually not typing it at all. I'm pacing around the floor (my favorite way to brainstorm). Today I installed MacSpeech Dictate. If you don't have it, you need to get it. Right. Now.

I cannot explain to you how much I absolutely love it. In one night, five hours time, I've been able to accomplish more writing than in the past three days put together. And if that is not testimonial enough... I don't know what it is!

Go, my friends..... get this application! You won't regret it, I promise!


For more information: MacSpeech Dictate


Don't worry PC people: Dragon Naturally Speaking Home 11 has you covered! :)

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Louise M. Premium
Hey thanks for this post! Actually a few months ago I seriously considered buying such software and then... I forgot. lol. I'm convinced and I'll definitely check it out as I have a Mac at home! :)
maureenhannan Premium
Wow, now THAT is an unequivocal plug. I'll check it out. Thanks, Stacy.
StacyS Premium
Horselover, there is a pc equivalent... Look above. :) jatdebeaune, I have been super impressed... Maybe it is because I haven't tried dictation programs for a long time, but it had me read something for about 5 minutes...and then I started talking. I think right off the bat it got at least 90 percent of my words right. I reallycouldnt believe it. And I'm not really one to evangelize a product!
jatdebeaune Premium
Horselover Premium
I don't have a Mac! *cry*