Choices, Choices... how do you narrow them down?

Last Update: July 15, 2010

Choices, Choices

How do you stop the constant analyzing & get down to it? 

There are so many choices in internet marketing, I can totally understand why people get stuck and frustrated.

How do you make a choice when you are first starting out on a project?

For example, at the moment I have a site in the health niche that I am almost done designing and going to start driving traffic to. I have put a lot of care into it, writing fantastic content & custom designing the entire thing. Eventually I will flip it. I have my personal design site where I showcase my design portfolio, but it's not really 'doing' anything....I want to have a site that is pulling in consistent $$$ so that the rest I can play on and experiment with.  I'm just not really sure what to do...

I know a lot about SEO, so I thought maybe a SEO product...  but I don't know.  It's easy for me to come up with the ideas, but hard for me to settle with one of them and get going.

Choices, choices.....  how do you narrow down your possibilities and move forward?

Hope you're having a great week!

Signing off so I can over analyze some more. ;)


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maureenhannan Premium
Hi Stacy! I was looking to see what projects you had links for. Wanted to check them out. Could you point me toward what you're working on? I'd love to see. The first blog I rolled out is (Nothing fancy...just kept things very simple!) Have a great day! ~ Maureen