Posts by Stavfel 27
September 23, 2010
Well i had to check where my website was. I was amazed that with the "" i was on the first page so that felt really well. I am on the second page with just my website name and no "".... What kills me is that i got a title name for my website that has 2 hits/day, so that is why i am up there so fast..... I had two hits today lol. If i only had known to switch from broad to phrases when looking for keywords at market samurai. Would have chosen another name. Was above 50 at br
September 22, 2010
Well today has been a productive day. Except my struggling with my wordpress that wont upload plugins or themes, so i am stuck and can not make it  look better atm. So instead of spending more hours trying to solve it, i focused on finishing my first article and set it up at squidoo. Then reading several guides about optimizing squidoo so fixed some modules, fixed my profile and joined several directories for squidoo that will promote my lens.  I also managed to set up a review page on
September 20, 2010
The fun about IM is that it never stops. I thought i had a good setup of keywords for a campaign but it turns out that with the program samurai marketing it is easier to find good keywords for a niche and so i tried it out and found out even more and better keywords. So time to rewrite my article for the 3rd time and also thinking to rewrite my landing page some.  Bad news is that i had to make a deal with my gf to sit max 4 hours with this each day before i start to earn money so i can p
September 14, 2010
Hey friends  Yes i like to call you friends, cause it feels right to do so to somone i don't even know but share interests with. I also like to applaud those that spend time to look and write on others blogs, cause i keep forgetting and get so focused on my own stuff i find it hard to spend time reading so much blogs. Im sure i get better at that later though. For now i think i might have found something that feels right so working a lot on research and now making a new domain for that. &
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September 12, 2010
Yes i i am stubborn and refusing to just grab a niche just to get it done. It has to feel right before i go any further with this. Been doing it over and over.  Finding a niche and then researching it and always find something that is wrong with it so shelfing it until i know more so i can use it. I know there are potential in those i been through, just not the kind i need to start. Because when i finally put a website up with my promotion and writes articles it has to click.... If there is
September 10, 2010
I let my computer rest a day and did some work back home installing and setting up powercable in the kitchen since there are non at the sink for our microwave oven. I find it very relaxing working with my hands and at the same time thinking about my IM stuff. Also got a new folder fo my touchscreen phone (not iphone). I can feel now it ws a good thing to take a day of when it feels i get nowhere. Now i have fresh ideas of what to do and how to do it. I have done the research for keywords now a c
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September 08, 2010
Well i put my current niche on the shelf and focusing on something else. Realised it would be my ppc project when i got the article marketing down. I ran into new troubles of course :-) Figured i should write about self- help to treat depressions and found some stuff to promote, but then it hit me i have to look for reviews about the products, and then i have to promote something i haven't actually tried......   I have however experienced depression so i can use that. but how can i pro
September 06, 2010
After some consideration and thinking i have realised that i could probably promote the site still. There are many ways to make a solution to a worse problem. The hard part now is writing and making it look interesting.  I read a post from forum about comparing different products in the same article so i think i can use it like that and still promote a similar product as a second choice. Allthough i see so many niches that connects to this niche that i also want to include but under differe
September 05, 2010
Well i hit the wall tonight after 6 hours work of research. The site i was gonna promote had several bad reviews and misscontended people so prob be wise to not invest time on that. Movie industry is hard since there are so many free services to watch and download em it has to be really something if they gonna charge money for it imho. But not all a loss i have worked some on my site and decided what nieches i want to focus on so 2 steps forward and 1 back.
September 04, 2010
Yes im still researching while doing action plan week 4. As fun as it is it also gets a bit frustrating to never get that feeling that this is the thing i want to promote. Found several niches inside the computing industry but can't seem to find a good affiliate deal for it and get a clear picture if i want to have it or not. Takes about 1 hour then i see something different thinking this might be better or easier to do..... Looking at clickbanks market i see a lot of possible links, but those a