First page on google

Last Update: September 23, 2010

Well i had to check where my website was.

I was amazed that with the "" i was on the first page so that felt really well. I am on the second page with just my website name and no ""....

What kills me is that i got a title name for my website that has 2 hits/day, so that is why i am up there so fast..... I had two hits today lol.

If i only had known to switch from broad to phrases when looking for keywords at market samurai. Would have chosen another name. Was above 50 at broad but shrunk to 2 at phrases... how depressing.

Really considering getting another domain with higher hit rate, but the question is even if i do article marketing i should have min 50hits/ day and max 5000 seoc i take it. Then i have to transfer everything i written, but shouldn't be so hard.

Good thing from this is i have learned a shitload of stuff, so next time i build up a site, that would be my third time, should be a lot better and less timeconsuming. 

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Banta Premium
Trial and error no disgrace as long as we learn from our errors.
Thanks for sharing, learnt a lot.
Stavfel Premium
I am using squidoo to write articles, but i have only written 2 of them. And my website has a somewhat unique name, but as i wrote it has a lousy hitrate, but still it gets me curious that a domain name can beat titles from companies that has been there for a long time. I sat 24 hours optimizing squidoo so it might have lead ppl from there, but squidoo lens only had 1 visit today, but my website had 3 so google ppl find it...
adriennemichel Premium
I think that's great, I have had my blogs up for months and have had 0 traffic, I wish I knew how you do it. I can't even get friends and family to go. I've gotten AWeber to try to set up lists, but if know one is coming to the site I wonder if I am wasting my time. My plan is to write more articles and submit to more than Ezine. I am just such a slow writer (no inspiration inside) that I wonder how many more I can churn out. I tried SEOLinkVine suggested by a friend, but trying to rewrite with them ended up more work. Their thesaurus really sucks and I would have to put it on word and go over it again. Luckily, I'm a persistent little cus! Lol!
phbreez Premium
Good one !
jatdebeaune Premium
Excellent. Congrats!