Feel like I'm starting to get somewhere

Last Update: January 19, 2012

Got to day 5 on the success club and came to a complete standstill. I just couldn't get the enthusiasm to write a second article. I was still excited about affiliate marketing but I seemed to have lost interest in the niche that I had picked, even though it is a subject I know such a lot about. I felt as though I had bitten off more than I could chew, perhaps my niche was too broad and I should just start again.

Then last night I went to my domain and realised that my website looked boring and I had written the front page based around my keywords instead of around my subject and the truth is I was embarrassed by it. I didn't want to put it on facebook or tweet about it and because of that I had ground to a halt. So after some help from Apina I managed to change my background and immediately I started to feel much happier about it. I have spent most of this afternoon rewriting the front page and now I feel motivated to start writing more articles and move on with the success club!

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