Maybe the Penguin's not all bad!

Last Update: June 01, 2012
We have just had our busiest month for nearly 3 years!

I joined WA in November because I was seriously worried about our on-line business. Previously we had always been 2nd in the google rankings but had been gradually dropped further and further down and although we were still hanging onto the bottom of the first page with our fingernails we were really only collecting the crumbs left behind by the other companies who had been overtaking us in the rankings.

I had started using a rankings tool and it basically told me that the only thing separating us from our competitors was back links - or lack of them. I started receiving emails offering help with creating back links to our site but decided to learn more about it rather than just paying someone to do it for me - and this was one of the reasons I came to WA to learn - how to do this properly.

I had done some back link work on our site before Penguin hit but not enough to really make any difference - but after it hit most of our competitors started falling away and some just disappeared altogether and we are back to our old 2nd place spot and reeping the benefits!

It appears to me that our competitors had probably received the same e-mails as us and more than likely went for it, originally they did see the rewards but the companies doing their back link work were maybe a little grey hat if not black even! All I can say is that I'm glad I decided to come to WA to learn how to do things the right way and as I said earlier - maybe the penguin's not all bad!
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Good for you and let me say your story is inspiring. I am just starting my venture with WA and I hope to have my own success story soon enough. Keep up the great work.
Sielke Premium
Nice! Sounds like the penguin was nice to you.
Helle Premium
That's interesting. Thanks. What is your websìte? I'd like to check it out!
suem Premium
It's a site I created about 11 years ago -