Thinking about creating a You Tube Video

Last Update: July 02, 2012
I am thinking about creating a series of videos for a new site I have just created. This is really new - no content at all yet!

While I was mulling over everything in my head about how I am going to do this I started wondering about the backlinks situation and how this now works with regards to You Tube and all these questions kept popping into my head!.

If I create a video and put it on You Tube this would show a link to my website. Should I then also embed this into my website?

If I embed it into my website will this then show as a link back to You Tube and then be classed as a reciprocal link and then do more harm than good?

What about follow up videos should they be on You Tube too or is it alright to just have them on my website?

Ideally the videos would all be on my website but I know that You Tube video links give good weight but I don't want to undo that by making a stupid mistake.

If this was going to cause problems then I thought perhaps I could put an introduction video on You Tube which could be covered by text in a blog post on my website and then just run the series on my website?

I'm sure someone out there does this sort of thing all the time and could point me in the right direction. If you could I would be very grateful :)

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jchilders Premium
Partial answer... The YouTube videos would not 'automatically' point to your website. You would want to add the URL into the description area of the video to create the link.

I usually put the video on YT, add my URL to the description, and imbed the video in a post or page on my site. I'm not sure if you can 'no-follow' an imbedded video if you are worried about reciprocal links...I haven't and it doesn't seem to bother anything.

Personally, I wouldn't host videos on my own site..but that's just me. I figure sites like YT, vimeo(?), and the like are setup to stream video optimally, so why not use them instead.
econcepts Premium
I just started doing videos on YouTube. I found your response very helpful, so thank you. I didn't know to put the URL in the description, so it's time to go back and do that! Thank you.
suem Premium
Thank you! This will be my first experience of creating videos so you have probably stopped me making a big mistake there - what you say makes sense! :)
georgejhaas Premium
Suem, Jay, who does all of WA's WAbinars, has one titled "Leverage Your Marketing & Traffic with Video". Look for the date Feb 28, 2011. I would review this video. It's only about 1 hour and he provides tips on just what you want to do. Check it out! George
suem Premium
Thank you, I have watched lots of his videos but must have missed that one - I will go search it out! Sue
Shawn Martin Premium
I too would love to see some of the answers to your questions, I am also curious.
suem Premium
I'm sure that there are quite a few of us and hopefully there is someone with the answers :)