About Monja
Joined May 2010
It was love at first sight. The first time I got in contact with computers was at the age of eight. My friend had a “Commodore 16? – a computer which loaded its data with from a cassette and needed forever. I loved it. Of course we played games. But it didn´t need long and I wanted my own computer. And since that day I always had one.Although I used it for playing games first I got slowly more and more experience with the computer.

My parents were happy that I enjoyed using the computer. I got an Amiga 500 which was a super computer at those days (at least for me ;-) ) together with a harddrive. I think I was the happiest girl on earth. I used my computer to write my own stories first.

Later, around 1998, I finished school and passed my A-level. This meant I was ready for university but I was afraid to study information technology because it was full of Math and my Math teacher at school didn´t help me much to love Maths. So I decided to become a teacher.

In 2005 after I had already finished my studies I knew that computers and webdesign were my real love. I decided to visit an online class for multimedia and got my diploma in 2007. It seems that I never could get enough from learning and so I went back to university – right now I´m student of the University of Phoenix – and proud of it. I enjoy learning more about information technology and I will soon finish my bachelor in information technology. And guess – my main subject is webdesign.

My bio shows in what I believe – do what you really want and love or you won´t get happy. So until I finish my studies I´ll be a teacher, a wife, a cat-lover and mommy to my two cats, a housekeeper, a daughter, a website owner, a digital scrapper and hopefully a friend who holds your hand to discover the basics of webdesign.
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Togrul Premium
Welcome to WA:) great story :) Full of energy for life:) And I like your style :)
JaredB Premium
Welcome to WA. It's great to have a designer here. You could probably get really popular by making a resource or two. Just thought I would throw that out there. Best of luck!
andys43us Premium
Hey, welcome to WA!
jeremyk2x Premium
Welcome. I also have this love affair with computer technology. I have written my own web page and am working on it everyday. Perhaps we could chat and you could teach me a thing or two. Warm regards,
FatWallet Premium
Hello and Welcome to WA! Good luck to you!!