My Website

Last Update: October 03, 2009

Awesome!  My website is now published and I love it. A few more tweeks and I'll be a happy internet marketer.  Feedback most welcome!



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1courage Premium
Tans, I'm just now checking back on all my buddies to see how there doing. You are doing great, you have a website that's great. I've been a little slow. I just finished my first article, but slow is better than nothing.
graham631 Premium
well done I have just started with WA and lots to take in
Good stuff
wald Premium
Hello Tania, I am completely new here and in this business and am just going through the material this week. I liked your site and read a few of the articles relevant to my current research.
One thing I noticed was that the link to WA in the Online Newbie Don'ts article did not have a live link, so therefore I assume you would not get an affiliate credit if someone linked to WA from your site.