Sigh Easy For You Is Not Easy For All

Last Update: February 16, 2010

I keep fighting it, but I can't help but thinking there is some big secret I do not know about.  I know that is not true, but it just seems there are so many little things you have to learn  that everyone says are easy to do, " Just go and sign up here and there, and don't forget to do these other things." Easier said than done because I don't know how to even start learning about them! There is ALWAYS a glitch somewhere, some little piece of information I need and do not have.

All these different hoops you have to jump through for backlinks is the perfect example -- I am not really sure what half that stuff is-- or exactly how to post there--- and the directions are always written like it is an everyday thing I should know about!

I have the basics down-- I can write articles, make blogs and Squidoo lenses and I even mastered Site Rubix!  I have been diligently working on the system I outlined, I need to write a new set of 20 article this week for the latest blog/squid test campaign. It is just about time to check my first blog and see if any traffic or sales came.

That scares me because then I need to learn Word Press and I still do not 100% get that. And I see from other WordPress blogs I will need to have all those little feed symbols included I do not know about, those places I was supposed to go sign up with for backlinks---- And I have learned to be wary any time someone says, "Don't worry, you will love Word Press,..."

I hesitate to put more sites on WA because if I do not start making money, I will not be able to afford to stay here another year, thus I will lose the free hosting.

I am taking the new course, so I can go back over everything and hopefully there will be a plan, do this first, then do that. I may even have to stop my other stuff and promote WA for awhile to get some commissions-- but I fear that will fall the same direction of everything else I try, following the step by step directions I get on here--- writing great articles and no sales.

I am making more money writing articles for people so they can earn commissions form their niche products, than I get from the articles I write for myself --GO FIGURE!!

So off I go, to write articles for this week-- lesson one in the new course is telling me to bug my friends and family with an email promoting WA-- I may have to think about that one-- but I am not allowed to go to step two unless I do it....


May-be my goal is too low-- I only want to make $2-3 K a month--- that will supplement our retirement income perfectly---




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fitnessluz Premium
Thanks for letting me know I am not the only one feeling exactly like you do now... uugh! So far I keep investing (one week marketing plan by PPG, Goldmine wordpress, Aweber, plus the membership fee here) and have been reading all the other tutorials and free information by Tracis, JD Pacero and others here, which is excellent..STILL I am confused...Yeah, they all say stuff like that, go do this and that, and the directions are, install, download that plugin...the whole time I'm thinking, I know I CAN do it so I'm still NOT giving up...and WILL put in more time into this, my site, my blog, etc..
Good luck to you...-and ME :)
justinwhite Premium
Man, I feel like this sums up my impression of IM so far. Too many little details - everyone repeating that it's easy when it looks freaking impossible. I guess the fact that we're all here means we believe it is possible though. Right now I'm focusing on just doing a lot of the basics. I don't much about SEO, or RSS feeds, but I can write a lot of articles and keep expanding on what works on the small scale (what makes traffic, right now). My only goal is 2k a month as well haha. That's what I made teaching English here in Taiwan before I got fired. Good luck and best wishes.
weathergirl Premium
I just read your post and I wanted to say I have not used Word Press but i have used the blogger blogs and there is a very good tutorial on here (a video) that walks you through it step by step. If you want to try that, I'm happy to help.
lubohn Premium
I feel the same way you do, I'm kind of lost, seems like I'm all over the place, and I still have not put anything out there and I have been a member since Dec. I also do not want to bother my friends with an email to purchase WA. As a matter of fact most people I know try to discourage my pursuit of affiliate marketing. They say the only people making money are the ones selling the information. I personally don't believe that I think if I work really hard and keep at it, it will all come together.
jatdebeaune Premium
I am totally sympathetic with you. Every little detail seems to count for sales, and there are too many details. With all we're learning here, I think you have to find a "simple" formula that works for you and keep repeating it. Experiment. I think there's not just one way of reaching a goal. Maybe if you focus on providing real value and getting traffic any way you know how without being spammy, and cutting out some of the acrobatics, it'll work. All the best to you.