2 Months at WA

Last Update: July 14, 2010

It's been 2 months today since I signed up to WA.  I've learned so much in this short period of time!  I've been busy learning and busy taking action.  I haven't had any sales yet, but I know it will happen soon.  Every article I write is better than the last.  I'm learning about creating backlinks and this will help drive traffic to my articles and websites as I get better at it. 

Even though I haven't made any money yet, I count these other things as success stories:

2 active articles on EzineArticles.com
8 active articles on Articlesbase.com
2 active articles on GoArticles.com
3 active Lenses on Squidoo.com
WA Funnel and Blog set up on one of my websites
A second website still in tge design stages (I was testing out WordPress Express before I wanted to promote it but will have it up and running soon)
A blog on Blogger.com

My latest articles have started getting more and more traffic and I actually had 2 clicks on my WA affiliate link today!  I know, it's nothing but they are clicks from actual people who actually clicked through to my website from one of my articles!   Big success for me and a great boost to my confidence! 


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chris1964 Premium
I two have been a member for two months now. I have not worked as much as you have but I have gotten a website linked to WA. I have not made any sales yet but I hope to get information on advertising it so I can connect poeple with WA. Lets keep pushing on.
kpcwriting Premium
Awesome - click throughs are a great feeling and I can't wait until you get that very first sale! Keep up the good work.
jatdebeaune Premium
iFaith Premium
Success stories indeed - super good job!!!
moonvine Premium
Wow! That is an impressive list! I wish I had kept a list. I came back to WA about the same time you arrived, and I have not kept track of my accomplishments. I will begin now, though. Congratulations!