Dealing with Unexpected Setbacks

Last Update: July 16, 2012
You never know when or how an unexpected situation will arise and put a boulder in the middle of your road to success. How we deal with this is what will define us as entrepreneurs.

Saturday was geared up to be a very productive day for me. I had my very first IM article approved on Street Articles, created a new blog post on my website and was fine tuning a draft for a new web page. Unfortunately, one of my dogs had a very violent seizure that lasted almost 10 minutes.

My 3 year old dog was recently diagnosed with epilepsy, but since his seizures were mild, short and only occurred about once a month, our vet recommended that we do not put him on any type of treatments yet (seizure medication usually causes kidney and liver damage and can significantly shorted a dog's life). Saturday's seizure changed that. He started out with a "normal" seizure that lasted almost 3 minutes, but when he started to come out of it, he lapsed back into it. The second seizure was horrifying and we ended up taking an emergency trip to the vet.

Since this incident pretty much interrupted all of my work for the weekend (Sundays are a dedicated family day - NO work!), I am going to start again today right where I left off and just keep moving forward. I could fret about a lost day, but that will be counter productive. And who knows, I may have uncovered a new niche. I have started researching epilepsy in dogs and may set up a website for dog owners going through the same thing. Even if it will not be a money making site, it can help other people understand what their pet is going through and make it easier for them.

Have a great day everyone!
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Labman_1 Premium
Seizures in dogs is more common than you think. I have recently lost one that suffered from occasional ones. These are hard to watch. One of my pups recently came down with them as well. This one doesn't live with me but is with a family member so I get to keep close tabs on him. Sorry you have to go through this, I know how heart rending it can be to watch.

There are some holistic remedies and food has been implicated more than a few times. I'll let you do your own research.

Catch Jay's WAbinar on Friday if you need help learning to research. Or even just to listen to the pearls that Jay drops without even thinking.
mama2karsten Premium
I have a son with epilepsy as a result of a head injury ... and that's the thing... you never know when or where or how strong it will be... or how many hours he will be incoherent and need assistance. It has changed my life and work habits drastically. That's one reason I am pursuing internet marketing... so I can be around when needed. I now try to waste no time and always try to stay a little ahead, just in case. I am thankful I have this option as a means of supporting my family.
Sounds like you have a great head on your shoulders!! Making lemonade out of the lemons life throws at you. My best regards for you and your dog!
Shawn Martin Premium
Hope everything with your dog works out well.
Hudson Premium
Hi, thanks for this. As a long time dog owner, who has seen four of my dogs leave us in the past three years, three of them with seizures I beleive that I know exactly what you went through on Saturday. I hope the outcome of treatment is positive. Turning to your other point, you are spot on. Be flexible with your daily / weekly schedule to handle all those unexpected events, and most of all don't let it get to you, because you will become unproductive if you do, regards Hudson