2012 Transit of Venus - Last Chance Until 2117!

Last Update: June 05, 2012
I am a bit of an amateur astronomer and I wanted to share an amazing event with my WA family!

Today will be the last time Venus crosses between the Earth and the Sun until 2117. I have to run off to work, but I wanted to share, just in case anyone has the opportunity to see it. Here in California, the event will begin at approximately 3pm and continue until sunset. Venus will be visible as a "spot" crossing the surface of the Sun. If you have solar eclipse glasses, you can view it in person.

There will be a live broadcast at the following website:


More information is available at:


Sorry for the late notice! I've been a bit short of time lately!

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Franklin Premium
Thanks for the heads up tport144...interesting slooh site also...thanks...I like this stuff too...:)
suem Premium
Unfortunately very cloudy here - no sign of the sun :(
tport144 Premium
slooh.com has several live feeds going if you get a chance to check it out