I've Been Quiet, But I've Been Busy!

Last Update: July 06, 2012
I haven't been "talking" a lot on WA lately, but I sure have been busy! I decided to completely overhaul all of my websites, starting with the site I use to promote WA. This has been no easy task since I am limited to squeezing my IM work into a 60+ hour workweek, while still making time for my family, pets and housework.

I have almost completed the redesign of my WA promo site, then I will start writing and submitting articles for a couple of weeks before moving on to my other websites. Looks like a long road ahead, but if I am to reach my goals, I MUST keep going!

Have a great day everyone!
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TJ Books Premium
Updating our websites is a continuing tasks. I see that you must set priorities. Let us know how it all works out. John
Shawn Martin Premium
Keep on plugging away!
What I've found necessary in my own life is to actually set up a daily time-compartmentalized system for getting things done. It only works when it is followed. One of the things I resolved to do here was to cut down, not so much the socialization, but what I talk about here. I do ease up on that sometimes, but it is very necessary to ward off distractions. Catting here can be as much a distraction as anything else. We all do it to some degree. There are those, however who have created that much more stability in what they are striving for if the socializing is planned for specific times (most of the time.)

You are off to a good start with what you've said in your post. I find it a challenge to simply get this work done, not employed, yet you are here giving you best shot with such a huge workload you are shouldering.

I have a New Resource nearly completed and is all about getting more out of one's time when in such tight schedules. It is so hard when one must spend most of their waking time doing others' biddings.

I'm rootin' for ya!
ThomasPaul Premium
Looking forward to seeing your new resource Daniel. :)
As of now, I am very headlong into getting my article series out. It is part of the 30/30 Challenge and I am behind with it. Most of the article work itself is nearly on target but the lessons themselves, I'm quite a bit behind. It would probably take a day to catch this side of it up since each lesson leads to other training resources.

I will be puttering with that resource and get it out soon because, even though some might say, "Well, it works for you, but I can't do it like that." That's OK. The important thing is what can be gleaned from my (or anyone else's work for that matter.) I'm going to do it up when I get somewhere near caught up with things.

I have two or three (I don't remember now) resources that need to be completed and submitted for others' use.

Thanks for your kind comment.
tport144 Premium
I can't wait to see your new resource! I am definitely looking forward to the day when I can use my home business as 100% of my income. I look forward to the challenges in my "day job" and helping to stabilize the production plant. There is satisfaction to helping a company succeed, and even more so when it is your own!
georgejhaas Premium
Hi, Wow! What a schedule you have. All remember to keep your priorities straight and in front of you at all times. I can remember when my schedule was like yours. Now I am retired and can focus on my websites. That is what I recommend that you do. Keep focused on the week ahead. Take each priority one step at a time. Eventually, you will make a dent in your website work. It does take time and it should. You want good ranking in the search engines. With good content, you should not fail. Keep up the good work. May you reach your goals and earn lots of money. George
I realize that with the scheduling I had created, I can now plan my weeks ahead. As for retirement, I hate to be pushing my time forward, and that is not a good thing. As things are now, I would be one of those who finds himself doing menial labor at a dead end job at 70 years of age.

I'm doing everything I can to avert that.
tport144 Premium
I definitely need to write up a schedule. That way, every time I finish something, no matter how small, it will be an accomplishment.
Ezshop24 Premium
Keep up the hard work it will pay off!
tport144 Premium
Thank you for the encouragement!