A Change of Perspective

Last Update: June 05, 2012
After reading Kyle's post on unemployment yesterday, I realized that I have been going about every a bit backwards. I have been thinking of my Online Buisiness as a challenge and an set of obstacles that I need to overcome in order to be successful.

When I am updating my resume or "selling myself" in a job interview, I have utmost confidence in my abilities and skills and what I can offer to a company. I need to take this same approach to IM and my business. How can I be truly successful if I am not 100% convinced that I WILL be successful, that I AM successful.

I have spent a lot of time over the last year feeling sorry for myself because my situation is not where I want it to be. I didn't even realize that was what I was doing until I read Kyle's post. I'm not 100% sure what make me realize it, but I'm going to stop whining about what I want to have or want to be. I have been very fortunate and have all of the things that I do and have accomplished all of the things that I have because I have worked hard and believed in myself!

From this point on, I will be more confident, more convinced, and more successful!

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garethb Premium
I liked what Kyle said - perfection is in the eye of the beholder. We always are worried we aren't perfect which is the biggest block to our success. Think of little kids. They never worry about making mistakes. They just go out and have fun. Your post just made me realize that's what I need to do TODAY!!
YES! *enter hulk hogan theme song* :P
This is great news tport! It is an inspiration to me as well.