After A Year, I Finally Get It!

Last Update: May 12, 2011

I've been with WA for a year now, and I've always had trouble writing articles.  It has taken me up to 2 frustrating hours to write and I procrastinated and avoided it even though I know I need to write them.  I recently signed up for the Success in 30 Days Club, and in one of the tutorial emails, there were instructions on an easy way to write an article.

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You get the point.

Since I started using this structure I've been able to write articles in less than 30 minutes!  It took me a while to find what worked, but now I'll be able to submit a couple of articles a day easily!

My advice to anyone who is having trouble, keep looking for ways to make things easier.  If one technique doesn't work for you, that's ok.  Keep asking questions and trying new things until it finally clicks!  Once it does, there is no stopping you!

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