Google 1st Page with Street Articles!

Last Update: April 19, 2011

I just published my first article with Street Articles and in less than 12 hours it is #6 on Google!  My article was rejected the first time I submitted it, but the explanation and help messages have a very personal feel, almost as if there is someone chatting with you while you are working.  It was easy to fix my mistake and resubmit.  Street Articles is a little different, but I like it :)

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sparkle1973 Premium
Thanks for this feed back, I need to write an article and submit it to Street Articles.
Cwillard77 Premium
Great job, yes the feedback is very informative and directed, keep it up!
morlandroger Premium
That is great news. I have one the same. Only rare search term but very recent new relevant to my site so may get more searches. All adds to the profile exposure. Like you have found that acceptance is good once the strict criteria are worked out.