Inspiration From Peter Drucker

Last Update: September 20, 2010

My employer recently sent a group of managers to a condensed Drucker Workshop to learn how to work better with upper management.  At the end of the two day workshop, we were supposed to describe how we saw our “Cathedral” and how we would go about building it.  Instead of seeing where I fit in the future of the company and how I will go about my “stonecutting”, I envisioned my own personal “Cathedral” and it has nothing to do with my employer. 

My vision has given me inspiration to work even harder to achieve my Internet Marketing and home business goals because I can see where I will be in the future.  It is not an if or a maybe!  I WILL DO IT!!

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Louise M. Premium
Awesome!! Great mindset! You have way more chances of making it if you already know you will. :)