Interesting Discovery When Publishing on Street Articles
I've had a very long and stressful week at my "day job", so please forgive me if I'm rambling on....
I decided to rewrite a few of my older articles to publish with Street Articles. First thing I found out is that SA is REALLY strict about duplicate content. I though I had changed the article enough from the original version, but SA found too many similarities with my original article and actually gave me the link to it in the explanation for why I couldn't publish the revision. I haven't submitted any articles for a while so I don't know if any of the other article submission sites are doing this, but I like it! I find this a great feature because I don't have to waste my time waiting for an article to be rejected days later.
I decided to try to rewrite the article again. I compared the two side by side and although the concept was the same, I didn't notice any duplicate content, but SA did. The funny thing is that this time it gave me the link to a website that had taken my article and used it as a webpage! So much for trying to rewrite that article! I guess it's back to the drawing board!
This is an old post of mine. Open it and read the comments. This should help you with your problem.