One month as a member

Last Update: June 14, 2010

When I signed up for WA I told myself I would only try it out for a month or two and if I didn't make any money I would cancel my membership.  I had no idea what I was getting for the low price, but I continue to be amazed by all of the info, tools, etc. here.  I haven't made any money yet, but I have been working on my website, have had 2 articles published on EzineArticles, and I have 2 Squidoo lenses.  I am planning on writing more articles to promote my lenses and will hopefully have at least 10 more published by the end of the week.  I find that my biggest obstacle is time.  I know that if I had 8 hours a day to devote to WA I would already be making money, but unfortunately my job interferes with my life (LOL)!  I am looking forward to the day that I can make my first success story post! 

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Sherion Premium
I have been here almost 3 weeks now. I had decided when I started to look at it as learning first, then I will make money. At least you are having some published and sounds like you are progressing. I think you are doing great!
ana_nimoss Premium
I have been here for a month, too, and so far nothing done except reading and reading and more reading! I think consistency is the key, anyway... Look forward to your first success story post! (yeah, I am dreaming about mine, too)
LucyRN Premium
I know exactly what you mean, it's hard to make IM a full time job when you have a full time job! Good luck!