Some Fun Stuff - Need to Clear My Head

Last Update: October 10, 2010

I had to take a break from trying to catch up on my tasks for the WA Article Club and share some of the things I've been working on these past few weeks.  I feel like I'm just spinning my wheels and maybe putting this on my blog will help me focus again.

In August I began helping a few of the other Redwings Horse Sanctuary Board members with organizing and building the Redwings Horse Sanctuary's Haunted Barn, a haunted house fundraiser we run every year.  This is extremely taxing on the three Board members who take on this task with a handful of other volunteers.  Saturday, 10/9 was opening day, and although it was very slow, I believe it will still be a success. 

Check out to learn more! 

Another task I have been working on is organizing Redwings Horse Sanctuary's involvement in the annual Thrill The World worldwide simutaneous dance.  This has been 99% on my shoulders from building the website, gathering the dancers, arranging all of the technical stuff (video, music, photos, etc), and advertising.  I have 2 more weeks left to build up and train my dance team!  This is going to be SO much fun!

Check out

I feel much better seeing all of this on my computer screen!  I really have gotten things done even if it doesn't feel that way right now! 

Alright, off to write some articles!

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famousplumber Premium
I do things like blaze online 12 a day for two weeks then get burnt and take a self-resentment week off! How dumnis that. Reasonable focus with fun time mixed in. That's what I.m working toward.