12 Cents, Wow!

Last Update: January 15, 2010

Well, I'm off an running into the new year with my first commission, a whopping 12 cents. Wowser, I should march right out an buy a palace. Despite all that, that 12 cents was probably the most important money anyone has ever earned. You see, I didn't think anyone was much interested in the Squidoo lens I created. The page views are pathetic despite my efforts and massive energy in research etc. to put it together. The fact that it paid anything at all is most encouraging.

My special thanks to M-skeezy for the comment. It was encouraging to know someone would take their valuable time and check it out and also ito know I'm not talking to myself in these posts.

I'm getting ready to do my second lens, hope it will be even better and enjoy more traffic and success.

Happy New Year,




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martinact420 Premium
When I first started IM I would get excited when I made 12 cents in a day and tell my friends and family and they would be like what???? Now they see numerous checks for 12 hundo and they like what????? I tell em' all I told you so.
PaintMeFancy Premium
Good for you. I have three lens and no money yet. What is the name of your lens?
Des199 Premium
Awesome! My first money made online was google adsense. I was so impressed that I had made 5 bucks over the weekend, I quit my job and became an marketer!
M-skeezy Premium
Congrats!! Remember it's only January so imagine how much you will have learned by next January. Keep it at it and Good Luck!
idm Premium
I hope this is just the beginning for you. Are you using One Week Marketing?