A Valuable Rant

Last Update: March 09, 2010

Hi all you buddies out there,

I'm finding more and more articles that promise information, but when I click on the site I end up with empty junk words and a link to an affiliate site. In addition, the title of one particular article  promised a how-to, but what he gave was a few definitions and a link. I hate that and his affiliate link would be the last place I would click. I'm sure other people would feel the same way and I think there's a good lesson in that.

I suppose the push to write dozens of articles, each with basically the same content is driving this type of drivel, but it's irritating as an itch you can't scratch and, more importantly, it wastes time.

These writers don't want to spend the time to write quality content, they just want to get the articles out there in cyberspace. I hope the internet gods prevent any of us from writing empty articles with misleading titles. GRRRR

There, I've vented and I feel much better now.

See you all later.


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