Two Best Resources

Last Update: November 09, 2009

The following are the two best resources for affiliate newbies like me:

1. Potpiegirl on WA - She clearly explains the methods she uses in affiliate marketing. She also has a great action plan to get you going. Thank you Potpiegirl.

2. 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss. Ferriss presents a more advanced business model so you don't end up being a slave to your business. Personally, I've been there and don't want to go there again.

 That said, anyone who thinks they aren't going to have to put in a lot of time to grow their business is kidding themselves unless they have the money to outsource all their work and just sit back and be the string puller.

There are companies that can provide quality articles, do the market research, develop web sites, create marketing plans,and market the product for you, but that takes a lot of money. More than most people coming to WA have to spare.

I doubt if Ferriss had that kind of money when he started out. He talks about the hours he spent developing his first company. Potpiegirl started the same way. There's a learning curve and that's what separates the winners from the losers. The losers bang their heads a few times and quit. The winners learn from their mistakes and keep going.

My weakness (among the many) is in understanding the technical aspects of affiliate marketing. Like, what in the ever loving hell is a 'ping' anyway. So all you pros out there with really good how-to articles, please briefly explain these things if you expect us newbies to know what your talking about. (Thank you again Potpiegirl for doing that).

I'm creating a business model now. I will keep you apprised.

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idm Premium
I think pinging something in affiliate marketing refers to updating the search engines and letting them know your site, blog or article is updated and they should look at it again and re-index it. I could be slightly off about that but I'm still learning too.

I agree about Timothy's book. I haven't read it straight through but I pick it up when I need some quick tips or ideas. It got me started on thinking in a whole different manner and I recommend it.

It's hard starting out and my biggest constraint is capital. I plan to outsource with what little I have anyway because I'm confident I'll get results faster and time is money. Plus I like to take educated risks.