Two Month Report

Last Update: December 21, 2009

Hi All,

Okay, I joined WA the last of October and it's fast approaching the two month mark. So far I've struggled through 1 Squidoo lens (, have it listed with Digg, and submitted to Stumble Upon. Not yet in Del. but soon. I've posted a blog about it with a link back on (Thank you Pot Pie Girl). The lens is not yet indexed on Google. I'll have to keep you posted on how that goes.

I'd sure appreciate any comments on the lens, good, bad, etc. (Don't worry about being critical, I have a very thick skin.) My next step is to start posting on forums dealing with the products I reviewed.

Have a very happy holiday.


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vic602 Premium
Thanks for your much appreciated input. Just so you know, I earned my first commission from this lens. Microscopic though it is, it gives me the pluck to move forward.
M-skeezy Premium
This is a pretty good lens to be your first. It has Big pics and a few videos.Keep it up :o)