Posts by Fallulah 28
I am absolutely fed up. Well, no that's not quite true because after all today is Thursday and Thursday is my second favourite day of the week (my favourite being Wednesday) ... and there's still Friday to come.  No, I'm fed up because I've slaved and slaved and slaved over my little Squid campaign and what's happened ... **gg** all.  I'm stuck on Page 46 of Potpiegirl's One Week Marketing. Stuck is not quite the right word but it's on page 46 that Nick's Squid pages start getting soli
At last I've broken the back of Squidoo and I'm happy with progress having managed to get a new lens all ready even to my satisfaction in just a few hours. I realise this is probably waaaaaaay longer than most people but now I have got my own little rinse and repeatable and I know that build time is going to shrink waaaaaay down. Joy! It's only taken forever to get there [lol]. Being one of those perfectionists nit-pickers it's not that often that I feel I'm 75 -80% on anything! In fact I thin
and do some work !!! Does anybody else find themselves doing too much WA and not enough actual work?!?!  And I still want to go comment on MoHawX's blog! Mmmm ... might make that my reward for actually doing something useful. 
May 06, 2010
Good thing = can see my lens ... Bad thing = Squidoo thinks it's pants Good thing = already kinda knew this Very Good Thing = now I have ground zero I can formulate a plan :) Good thing = am laughing about whole thing, it's really no big deal - just a process and as long as I keeyp moving forward I am getting closer to success ... which is going to feel veeery sweet :) Hmph so glad had acupuncture this morning - am feeling much more human :) Now ... back to my little plan ...  
May 05, 2010
... in that murky space ... ... just published a lens which I know isn't great and I'm just waiting to see whether it gets published or not ... and if it does, just how bad is it coz this is the first time I've done anchor text and it looks suspiciously wrong but I'm sure I've followed all the destructions ... [lol] ... ... yes, quite grumpy ... ... time to take a break ...  ... or maybe I'll go back and re-read Potpiegirl ... ... hmmm better venture into the kitchen ... I hear meaningful b
May 02, 2010
I was in a real grump this morning ... I'd done a deal with Simon ... I hate shopping but I agreed to go find him some new T-shirts (he thinks he doesn't have any to wear but I last counted over 60 ?! ...?) if he'd buy me some new jeans ... I'd thought I'd be able to shop in peace as it's Bank Holiday and I assumed everbody else would be off somewhere nice. No way! I abandoned that idea after twenty minutes trying to find a car parking spot. Clearly everybody wasn't anywhere nice at all. They we
1 comment
February 25, 2010
Ok completed all the tasks. Well I did only send three emails but my nearest and dearest think I'm mad so if they thought I was paying to be mad ... crikey, doesn't bear thinking about [lol]! Anyway I'm proud of myself for the commitment to sending three! Not really sure about the requesting buddies process. When I add a buddy that person just seems to be added to my list without them bein asked which seems a bit rude to me. Hmmm ... will have to work this out ... Sales 0.00.  
February 25, 2010
Well here I am, right at the beginning and convinced that online earning is for me.  Well when I say right at the beginning, I've learned a lot about IM but not taken anything like enough action. Here's where that's about to change ... Don't you just love opportunities where everybody can win?