Posts by Fallulah 28
August 15, 2010
Well what a week!   From rotten health, even more rotten job issues (very possibly heading for the sack) and that grrrrr wordpress issue - to a week of paradoxical opportunities.   How so?   Well, rotten health lead to a desperate appointment with one of my most trusted alternative health practitioners. I mean this guy helps people turn serious health problems around long after the western medics have done their best and given up.    So, I went to the appointment, and le
I am not a positive place to be today. Or not right this hour at any rate.   I'm letting off steam so please read no further if you're either feeling negative or like a good moan. I'm not usually either, but I will not be perking you up this afternoon.   I have been tussling with WP Express for days ... and days. After much wailing and gnashing of teeth it became unimportant when Dave kindly suggested a workaround until the buglet was fixed. But no. I had to try for perfection.  
August 05, 2010
So I came to blog last evening before I whipped out to the theatre. I was running a little late but I wanted to blog my bit because it's making me feel good and opening me up to other things.My blog was entitled 'Enjoy the Ride'. It's something I'm commiting to more and more ... yep even the bad bits [lol]. After all, the Stargate crews face scrape after scrape but they don't seem to stop enjoying themselves do they? I think that's why I like them so much ... I'm not a geek honestly ... though
As many people already know, I'm involved in th business of healing. In my personal world healing covers everything. If it's not working it's going to become my focus ... even if it's just in my own head in the shower [lol] ...   Current projects incude gynae problems, eyesight problems, weight problems, money problems, career problems, bad luck problems, duck catching dog problems, study procrastination problems ...   Thankfully these aren't all mine [smile]. Nevertheless, they're all
Haha!   Having just spent half an hour extracting more healing thoughts from the chaos of my mind, I pressed the wrong button and poof! All gone ...   But it's ok.   I accept the moving forward that I've done this evening, honouring my progress bit by bitand I trust the next bit to follow.
Ok  trust and  consistency ... These are somehow hanging out together in my head, with a sprinkling of bit by bit ... I really could do with a scanner so I could draw idea bubbles to upload ... hmmm ...   So in the middle of my away days came a something or other from Travis ... it was a video I think ... about ... hmmm, I believe she was one of his top affiliates ... Shannon! That was her name! I remember!   Shannon is an affiliate marketer but the reason Travis wanted to ta
August 02, 2010
 I have no idea where this blog post is going to go [lol] ... but out of my head is a great place to start ...   I've been missing from WA a couple of weeks. We've had some happy and some less happy family stuff going on, as you do from time to time.   In fact it was the happy that taxed me most. I was a bridesmaid. Now don't get me wrong, it's always an honour to be asked to be a bridesmaid. But at 44, after four call-ups, and this last time being twice the age of the bride and h
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As an alternative medicine practitioner I am taking some time out to step back and assess - I'm not 100% happy with the results I'm getting and I won't take hard earned wonga from people if I don't feel my role in the partnership is what it should be. That's all ok. Usefully, I have a few issues, both health and non-health related, which I can use as 'projects' during this period to increase my effectiveness when working again with others in the future. Now the amount of work I have already done
I've been swamped and demotivated for weeks by keyword research, numbers and seemingly impotent effort. I know it's not really impotent but it sure has been feeling that way for a bit too long. Anyway I've been following Des199 as he builds up his free tutorials, largely based on Wordpress ... and they've started to breath new life into me ... But he's just done another one on how he does keyword research and it's sooooooooo good - well, in my opinion anyway! It's short, sweet and in 15 
July 02, 2010
Great goal post thread. It's weird. Now I think about it I'm sure I've seen these numbers before so why does it feel like a concrete workable template just tonight? Sometimes my brain just seems plain extra terrestrial.      
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