Posts by Jimmywrex 19
December 14, 2010
I got this email today called 8 Amazing Blogging Lessons from Albert Einstein. I've stripped it down to make for easier reading and there's a link at the bottom to the full post. Albert Einstein was a cool guy!! Here are 8 principals he lived by and which you should too in order to acheive IM success: 1. Persevere “It’s not that I’m so smart; it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” 2. Focus “Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving th
December 07, 2010
Thinking of getting into the SEO game? Better check out this quick video: ==> I want to be number 1 in Google <== 
December 06, 2010
Hi guys, A lot of people who get into IM are here for the money & the freedom. That's what started me down this long road. However, many of us have never had a burning desire to understand the science (or art) of marketing.   Robert Cialdini is widely recognised at 'the' expert when it comes to influence and persuasion. Here are his 6 Weapons of Influence: Reciprocity - People tend to return a favor, thus the pervasiveness of free samples in marketing. In his conferences,
December 03, 2010
Hi Guys, I had a record adsense month making a massive $78.62 hehe - OK nothing to really shout about but it's early days for me and adsense. I only started using it in October so it's coming on nicely. However, that's not the point of this blog. Check out this youtube vid. Don't get freaked out if it get's a bit complicated. Just use it for motivation if you're an adsense newbie. Lisa is the real deal and I'd recommend you subscribe. ===> What This Video Here <=== Enjoy! Jimm
Chocolate - there I’ve said it! Seriously though, some days in the crazy world of IM are truly amazing. It’s the little successes that do it really. On Monday this week I posted this in the forum whilst talking about backlinks and problems with one of my sites: This site has felt the full wrath of Google. I outsourced a load of backlinks about 5 months ago from the same source I've been using for all my sites and this site dropped off completely for all of the terms it was ranking for. I'
November 06, 2010
Hi guys, haha - sorry about the lame cliche title! I also posted this in MRP but I'm so impressed I want to make sure you all check it out!! I have something pretty awsome to share today . If you've been on WA a while you might have been following the success of one of our very WAers called Vince AKA. WatchDog. His success thread is one of many that have inspired me to go on to create my own success. So, when Vince said he was creating his own backlinking service I was VERY interested to s
November 03, 2010
Hi guys,   I just wanted to drop by and let you know how things are going. Well, I’m happy to say that some of my sites are starting to really get some BIG results. My best performing site made around $750 last month which is a real break through. I still have quite a few other sites and web2.0 pages dripping in sales between $20 per month and $150 per month so my income is growing steadily every month.   I think that’s something that everybody should be aiming for - growth.
May 02, 2010
Hi there, Just wanted to give a quick update on how things are going with my 'Time to get serious in 2010' approach.  I decided a few months ago that in order to accelerate my progress I'd get in touch with someone who I know has been making a killing in IM (not literally) and get them to mentor me.  Don't get me wrong, WA has been the most amazing training I could hope for, but I just felt that learning dirctly from someone who's been there and done it would really help me.  Well
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January 02, 2010
OK so here we are again, another year over and another just beginning. It was about this time last year that I started typing "make money online" into google and after some failed ideas and an MLM detour I finally arrived at WA around 9 months ago. Over the last 9 months I've read, learned and done a fair amount but not enough. I feel like I really need to step up my game in 2010 in order to get what I want out of this crazy IM biz. So he
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