Posts by Linda Fedun 20
June 02, 2012
Hi everyone it's your friendly blogger again. I have a new question where do I find section 10.0. It's mentioned in day 7 but I don't know how to access it. If anyone could point me in the right dirrection, I would be forever grateful. Thanks Linda
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Hi I did it, I just submitted my first article to street articles! Feeling a little nervous about it, but it's a big step forward for me. My only concern is that the video showed that there was a place to give a link to my website and I couldn't see it. Did I miss something while I was writing my article? I did mention it by name, but there really isn't much for any one to see there yet except my home page and my about me page. Will that make a difference is how people view the arti
Hi everyone and thank you for all the help you have provided so far. I did manage to set up my email account. Or at least I think I did. I have done my about me page for my site, and would like to use the privacy page form shown in the training. How do I do that? I know privacy pages are pretty generic, so I don't feel I have to add something different than what is shown there. Thanks
1 comment
May 19, 2012
Hi everyone, it's me blogging again!  I managed to get my plug ins activated, but now I can't figure out how to set up my email account. Do I do it in my web site, or in wealthy affiliate's domain site. I looked in both and couldn't see anything like a main menu that is shown in the training. It's taking me forever to get through day 2 training. I appreciate anyone's input. Still feeling like an idiot. Thanks Linda
Hi everyone it's me  once again. I went thorough day 2 training and was confirmed that I have a website. I have gone into google and I can't bring it up, let alone edit it. BIS sent me info on how to do this, but I can't access my private messages from yesterday. When I do look for my site I find it under domain registered names, but that is it. BIS set up a link and I was able to find it that way last night, but  it won't let me find it today. What am  I
May 14, 2012
I started doing day 2 of my training. Selected a website, had it set up in bootstraps then clicked on the download FTP button. My website has now vanished into nowhere land. What have I done wrong,  how do I find it? Do I have to go through all the steps again? I'm sure I'm the slowest person who's ever been on this site, I've been here since the 2 of this month and haven't  made it through day 2. The saga of DNS for idiots continues, but now it's websites for i
May 09, 2012
This is a big THANK YOU to everyone for your support. I managed to change my DNS settings!!!! Now I can move past day 1 training. Linda
Hi it's me again. Looks like I'll be spending more time writing blogs  then setting up a website. I went to set up DNS server and clicked onto the name servers section. It was coming up as a strange name, so I clicked on to transfer name server and it sent it off who knows where???? Is there a way to fix this? I was told it would take about 48 hours to check things out. Doesn't look like I'm going to get started before my 10 days are up. I think that I am going to see if s
May 07, 2012
Hi It's me again. Lots of people said they would love to help me with my site, but I'm still stuck on day 1 of training. What are DNS settings?  How to I change them? Where do I find them. Still feel like I'm going backwards instead of forwards.Suggestions anyone? I really would like to get a website started, even if I just start it as a blog and work from there. Hop on over to my  profile page and drop my a line if you feel you can teach someone, who appears to have the
May 04, 2012
Hi my name is Linda Fedun, and I joined WA the first day it was free. I haven't been able to get through  day one training.I just can't figure out how to start a website.I've asked in various places, but I haven't been able to get any response. Is there anyone in the Victoria area who can come to my place, or I'll come to yours or meet you somewhere, and you can show me hands on how to get a website started. I'm getting very discouraged, and could really use some h