Great Wordpress Resources (Affiliate Link Free)...AND a Favor to Ask

Last Update: July 06, 2010

I'm doing a lot with Wordpress this week, and I thought I'd take a moment to share.

Did you know that baronesses like to blog?  And I've got 2 of 'em as clients.  Both want the Wordpress Thesis theme (if I can track down skins that are feminine-aristocratic enough...whatever that means.)  How in the world did I end up with blogging baronesses as clients?  Odesk.  The first one found me back last fall.  I've been doing small copy-editing jobs for her ever since, and she recently recommended me to another baroness she met at a function.  I think Baroness #2 is probably a born marketer...not sure if Baroness #1 will make it out of the starting gate, since she's quite the busy social butterly.  But's a fun little gig. 

These women are not like the Baroness from The Sound of Music.  ("Oh, GE-org, your children are deLiiiiiGHTful.  Now how quickly can we pack them all off to a good Austrian boarding school?)  No, these are young American professional women whose genealogical study led them to discover their previously unknown aristocratic lineage.  Pretty cool, huh?  

So, back to the tools...

1.  Thesis theme for Wordpress.  It's not exactly a theme--more like a framework.  It makes everything about building and maintaining your site quicker, easier, and more "customizable."  One other nice thing to keep in mind about the Thesis theme is that there are outsourcing professionals who pretty much specialize in working with Thesis.

Oh, and it's also very fast-loading.  Some mighty cleeeeeaaaaaaan code there.

2.   iThemes FlexxSensation.  The runner-up for easy, monetization-ready Wordpress site "skinning."  Nowhere near as cool as Thesis, but really a very nice user experience.

3.   Free skins for Thesis.  (I particularly like the "naked" one.  But among the WA crowd, I suspect the free Affiliate skin will get some attention.)

4.  That ShoutMeLoud website, which I believe is completely dedicated to awesome Thesis stuff.  Here, for example, is a post on smooth integration of Adsense into the Thesis theme.

5.  A contextual submenu tool....Dusan (DABK) put me onto this.  What if you don't WANT every blessed menu option available from every part of your site?  What if you want to have one dropdown that shows each of the posts in just ONE particular series?  Check out the Flexipages widget.  Or this free bit of code to add in to a Thesis theme.

6.  Finally, a word about hosting companies.  For four years now I've been with  I know you don't hear as much about that one, but now that I've had five or six clients sign up with them and have gotten plenty of feedback, I've got to tell you...Hostmonster ROCKS.  Their customer service is superb--and for $6.95/month you get tons of bandwidth and unlimited add-on domains.  Their script installers are topnotch as well.  (They offer both Fantastico and SimpleScripts--though they recommend SimpleScripts.).  They also throw in the first domain registration for free if you sign up for their 6-month subscription. 

Now that I've offered some interesting tools/resources, I'd like to ask you a question.  Well, more of a favor, I guess.  I've been considering moving my web content business to a model more like this one.  The goal is to standardize a whole lot more than I have been doing.  And to use the marketing knowhow I am gaining to promote to a niche that wants a clean, quality website package within 72 hours    Keeping the focus on content, growing my SEO skills, becoming a Wordpress Thesis Theme specialist.  I'd love feedback, guys.  Any and all perspectives welcomed.  What do you think of this sort of easy-to-use comparison table?  What do you think of having a site with a contact form that uses conditional logic to generate both a client package recommendation for the site visitor AND a set of info to streamline MY process?

And of course I can recommend Hostmonster to each client who needs a hosting plan. And I can offer the Thesis theme for free--since I own it in "developer's license" form.

Thanks for reading...looking forward to hearing your thoughts! 

~ Maureen
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reefswimmer Premium
hey Maureen----great post once again ! You have given me more good stuff to study and choose from, as I get to know WP better.
You know, I think the idea of being a Thesis Theme specialist is a very good one. Here's why. Even a year ago, hardly any non-techie etc. people knew about Thesis.(that included me) In the past x months, everybody seem to know the name and have a vague idea of what you can do with it (very vague).The still-uninitiated ( that includes me) have not learned enough about it to be fluent on their own. That gives a current market for people to open their eyes and say Wow, you actually know a ton about that ???Oh good, help me out.
That's a long ramble through the process of people getting to know Thesis in the last x months. I hope you will grab that market now. Getting a website back to a client in 72 hours is fabulous and probably will generate word-of-mouth clients for you.You walk your talk so well, etc.
And I look forward to hearing from you what you do with this market, and how it works for you :~)
Diane, reefswimmer
iFaith Premium
I like it if you're modeling that pressmojo.. theme. It is clean, info is readily available in a format that is easy to understand and promotes you and your service without distractions. With a great brand Icon - and different color/s to match your style and you're set. Thanks for the free Thesis theme templates - links.
ana_nimoss Premium
I love your blogs, but I have to study them to understand them! I will get to the website soon and get back to you. Gotta run. Thanks for great resources, always.