Are women better writers than men?

Last Update: August 06, 2011

I've been outsourcing a lot of articles and blog posts lately, and it's become very obvious to me that the women I've hired to write articles do a MUCH BETTER job than the men.  It may just have been the luck of the draw, who knows. But the women writers I've hired actually have personalities in their articles. The have fewer grammar mistakes, and I feel like I get more than what I paid for.

It seems as though the men are very mechanical about what they write.  The just shovel some crap the found on the net, spell check, run it though copyscape, and send it off.

Who knows why. I'm sure there's something about hunter-gatherer society buried deep within the reasons.

 Anyone had different or similar experiences?

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jatdebeaune Premium
No, I don't think so. Women tend to be more patient maybe, and more detail oriented. It would be unfair to say one is better than the other. It's great if you can find people who can deliver a good article for the small cost involved.