Posts by Nathaniell 43
So I was isntalling a paid plugin today, (called myreview plugin, which is really good BTW), and while using Filezilla, I noticed that there were some folders that had all the standard wordpress installation stuff in them, ie Akismet (plugin) and TwentyTen (theme).Because each time I create a new site I have to go through and install my standard array of plugins, I though it might be possible to change the standard installation of Wordpress, ie add All in One SEO, Ping Optimizer, etc.Basically,
I just watched Jay's Webinar on Negative SEO, and it just dawned on me that the two HUGE spikes in Traffic I had a last month could have been negative SEO from competitors. They were both from StumbleUpon, and were for one day. The site averages about 100 to 200 visitors per day, and both traffic spikes were for 600 and 900 visitors in one day.I've seen that one other user here had a similar StumbleUpon spike. Anyone else experience this? Any thoughts?
In my niche, I've got about 5 to 10 competing sites that are regular bloggers, and that I consider real competitors. There are other sites as well, but their work is pretty shoddy.From stuff I've learned here at WA, I've kind of figured out that there's a million keywords, and once you know you niche, you can just make them up because you know your audience. I've got tons of posting ideas and themes for articles.But it's extremely frustrating when there's a trail of
June 17, 2012
So I guess it had to happen sometime. I got hacked in the last hour or so, and I'm not sure how to fix it. All posts and other stuff seem to be in order, but when I try to look at a post or make a new post, the hacker's "Theme" pops up.Ok, so 5 minutes later....I've reinstalled wordpress, and everything seems to be back in order. How do I look to see if any other hacker paraphanelia are left around? I've heard they get in through plugins, or maybe they've changed the code
Two Year Anniversary (Jun 2012)I'm big on goal setting and reviewing, so I like to come back once a year and make a post about my progress. This year, since things have become a bit more social, and I'm seeing more newbies around, I wanted to post about my humble beginnings here @ WA. From the posts below, you can see that I went from being excited about just getting my site INDEXED in Google, to this year where I had a couple of $500 dollar days and even had a month that I made 11K. O
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I can't think of what it's actually called, and I can't remember which one of Jay's webinars mentioned it. I'm looking for that free site that allows you to create a book cover or a  3d box - one of those standard product label type things - and you'll often see a 'get your free guide' attached to it somewhere and a way to sign up for a list. I'm not sure if anyone knows what I'm talking about.  If so, what's the site?
I received a letter telling me that my adsense account was disabled due to invalid clicking. To tell you the truth, I haven't touched my sites with adsense for a while now. Adsense brings in about $100 every 2 months. They were all sites created a year or more ago (about 3 or 4 websites), and it's never been an issue. I haven't used adsense on any sites for over a year now.  Does anyone know why this could be? Anyone have experience with this? If they close my account, whatever
After all my crying about losing rankings in Google, I was checking stock prices in Yahoo! and decided to check my rankings there.  I was number 1 for tons of KW. I don't know what this means, but at least someone likes what I'm doing! I guess all of this Penguin stuff is a lesson learned that Google is fickle sometimes and counting on it to consistently give you good rankings is like counting on the weather man. Good to know Yahoo! has got my back.
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May 09, 2012
I'm going nuts. I can't believe how irresposible some people are. Here are some of the excuses I've heard from freelancers and contractors over the past couple months. Article writer - outsourced articles, but writer is MIA (didn't ask for permission to outsource) Data Entry Assistant - Family Business/out of town (day after started project) Article writer/researcher - 2 deaths in the family Team leader article writer - 1 dead article writer Virtual assistant - Power
Does anyone have experience giving away ebooks as part of a email marketing/list building campaign?  I would like to offer this as an incentive to sign up to my list. The question is what is the best way to offer this. Is a PDF best? Should I have the book downloadable from a webpage or as a file in the email? Any tips from anyone with experience is welcome.