StumbleUpon Spike - Negative SEO?

Last Update: July 22, 2012
I just watched Jay's Webinar on Negative SEO, and it just dawned on me that the two HUGE spikes in Traffic I had a last month could have been negative SEO from competitors. They were both from StumbleUpon, and were for one day. The site averages about 100 to 200 visitors per day, and both traffic spikes were for 600 and 900 visitors in one day.

I've seen that one other user here had a similar StumbleUpon spike. Anyone else experience this?

Any thoughts?
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paci Premium
Oh yes, every time i "stumb new blog post or article , i got 20 - 80 new visitors in SECONDS, its powerful!
nathaniell Premium
Pasi , This is a common helper comment.
nathaniell Premium
I just checked, and the traffic was 'relatively' well balanced - from the two spikes, 600 was to one page, and 30-80 were for other pages. It seems to me that someone would have attacked just one page.