Wordpress Plugins Tech Question

Last Update: August 05, 2012
So I was isntalling a paid plugin today, (called myreview plugin, which is really good BTW), and while using Filezilla, I noticed that there were some folders that had all the standard wordpress installation stuff in them, ie Akismet (plugin) and TwentyTen (theme).

Because each time I create a new site I have to go through and install my standard array of plugins, I though it might be possible to change the standard installation of Wordpress, ie add All in One SEO, Ping Optimizer, etc.

Basically, I want to take out all those crappy ones like Hello Dolly, and put ones I like so I don't have to install each one manually.

Is this possible?
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CSmith1 Premium
Creating the perfect clone blog is probably the way you should go.
That way prior to making the clone blog you could have all plugin installed and setup, all the normal page created and setup, about,contact,privacy etc.
Then when ever you install a new wp blog, you can deploy the clone.
nathaniell Premium
I'm not sure what you mean by 'clone blog'. I mean, I get that you could use it as a kind of blank slate to start all your blogs - which is exactly what I'm looking for - but how would you do it? I mean, would you need to import the blog through WP, or save the blog on your hard drive and then upload it through FTP as with the plugins?
CSmith1 Premium
Well I personally use WP-Twin but it's not cheap and these days I think there are several others options scripts/plugins on doing this.

With WP-Twin you basically upload one php file and click create clone(complete backup).
Then if you want to install the clone on another blog, you upload the clone.zip and a php file to deploy the clone.
Apina Premium
Yup you can do that just add the to the plugin/themes folders. You will still need to update them and wordpress each time you install it though. If you have a lot of sites to make/maintain you could look into a service like ManageWP. It costs but you can manage all your sites from one place, clone sites etc
nathaniell Premium
so how do I download the plugin so I can upload it to the folder? I mean, I can install my plugins through each site individually, but there's no 'download' option so I can get a copy on my computer.
Apina Premium
You need to find the plugin on Wordpress Directory and download it manually from there, same with themes. IF the plugin isnt hosted there you will need to get it from the makers site.
nathaniell Premium
Oh, yes, I know what you're talking about now. thanks!