Product Label Maker Question

Last Update: May 23, 2012
I can't think of what it's actually called, and I can't remember which one of Jay's webinars mentioned it. I'm looking for that free site that allows you to create a book cover or a  3d box - one of those standard product label type things - and you'll often see a 'get your free guide' attached to it somewhere and a way to sign up for a list.

I'm not sure if anyone knows what I'm talking about.  If so, what's the site?
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magistudio Premium Plus
This is the site I mention in the WAbinar

It is not as free as it used to be, but there are still some free elements to it.
nathaniell Premium
Thanks! Actually, I found that one in Google and must have passed it up because of the cost and the site design change. Looks like nothing good stays free for long ;)