Hacked, What Do I do

Last Update: June 17, 2012
So I guess it had to happen sometime. I got hacked in the last hour or so, and I'm not sure how to fix it. All posts and other stuff seem to be in order, but when I try to look at a post or make a new post, the hacker's "Theme" pops up.

Ok, so 5 minutes later....I've reinstalled wordpress, and everything seems to be back in order. How do I look to see if any other hacker paraphanelia are left around? I've heard they get in through plugins, or maybe they've changed the code to track passwords or something like that. I'm not sure

Any suggestions are welcome, and if you want to rant about any time you got hacked and what the results were, that's welcome too!
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Carson Premium Plus
nathaniell Premium
I just hit the 'reinstall' button, so I guess that's reinstalling over the top. But I'm not on WA hosing so I'm not sure if you can help me out with this.
Carson Premium Plus
slayton1s Premium
Yeah, you want to back-up your files periodically. This is something I need to do soon since I'm concentrating mainly on traffic lately. Sorry to hear that. It's amazing how many weirdos do immature things like that online.
Carson Premium Plus
CSmith1 Premium
Nice to see WA hosting will clean up infected wp sites if required. Outdate version of WP is also a huge problem.
Carson Premium Plus
Stacydee Premium
Thanks you, I didn't know they would do that.
CSmith1 Premium
Sorry to hear about that, are these on WA hosting or another host?
One common place to look is inside the index files, check the source code for some funky script.
If you login via ftp you can see last time file was edited.
You could also try some online website malware scanners like http://sitecheck.sucuri.net/scanner/

Update everything, change passwords for blog and ftp.
nathaniell Premium
It's not on WA hosting - I'll be sure to check those things out. If the site is running fine now, is that a good sign that the update got rid of the hacker stuff, or could it still be lingering there?
CSmith1 Premium
I checked the one site you PM'd me about related to G+ and I don't see any scripts installed, I also see it's on fatcow hosting. I don't now how, but you should try figure out the point of access, maybe via a log file or tell the hosting what happened and ask them for help fixing the problem..
nathaniell Premium
I scanned it on the site you recommended, and check the index file. All seems OK. How would I check the last time someone logged into FTP? Through Filezilla or the host (Fatcow)?
Ezshop24 Premium
Hopefully you have your files. You can contact support where ever you are hosted and they will reset your account and then simply re-upload your files. That is why it is so important to download and save your files periodically.
