Bad Kharma at SA

Last Update: April 15, 2012

It's funny, coming from a person who used to try to make the cheeky URL drop in the comment section of a blog, but I've been getting a lot of spammy comments in SA lately. Ok, but a lot, I mean a couple a month, which isn't bad. Still, it's annoying when someone plays the system and writes, "Hey, have you heard of stupidurl_dot_com? It's obvious their first attempt got blocked by the filter.

Perhaps a good idea for SA in the future is to allow commenting only after a ten article achievement is reached.  So far, 100% of the commenters trying to pass off rubbish don't have any articles, and obviously just signed up for that comment.

Not a big deal, but just an idea.

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kyle Premium Plus
Yeah, we have some measures that are going to be taking place like this...forced action before you can comment because I do agree, some people are signing up for the intention of spamming. It happens within every system.

As for now, report spam (you can do so within all of these comments) and they will be removed.
Praise Premium
It's a good idea. Perhaps you should send the idea through 'contact us' form on SA or through 'report a bug' here.