Filing DMCA Report to Get Content Removed From Google - Is it worth it?

Last Update: April 28, 2012

Since Googles amazing update, all kinds of rubbish content is outranking my sites.  The catch is that it's MY website content, copied, pasted, put on another blog, and had the links switched out.  Word for word, and linking to some other douchebag's site.  Meanwhile my money site is off the radar.

Usually I ignore stuff like syndicated articles without the proper links because whatever, it's there and it's way back on page 10 or 20.  This stuff is ranking number one for my KW.

So, do you think I should file a report with Google to get it removed? I've already contacted the website owner and no response.

Here's what I'm worried about.  If I get Google involved, my website will go under close observation.  It's a site from 2 years ago when I first started WA, and I don't know if I'm violating any terms myself.  Plus I was using BMR for the past couple months.

Anyway, what's your opinion. Should I wait and see what happenes after the dust settles?  Should I go for the juggular?

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bwh1 Premium
Take Welshy's approach and go for the hosting company.

Usually hosts don't like when content thieves host their site at them, so if you can proof that the content is yours, and give them a fair deadline to get that removed before you file a claim, then you might have the best chance to settle this fast and with less damage possible.

What pissed me anyway is that those content thieves are cached in Google and their ranking will not disappear immediately, even if they remove your articles.

Bad thing.
CSmith1 Premium
Not sure if I'd contact Google if I used BMR, I would figure out who the host is first, then try contacting the site owner again, let them know if the content isn't removed within 48hrs you'll take this up with the host (name the hosting company) and file a DMCA complaint.
No idea if this is the right thing to do or not but has worked for me in the past.
nathaniell Premium
I just looked up their stuff on whois - the guy owns like 200+ domains, and is hosting in Germany, so I doubt much will happen. I guess these are turbulent times and chances are he'll get deranked eventually. I've sent the emails to the host though, and we'll see what happens.
andys43us Premium
I'd say contact Google. They need to know what kind of results their new update is producing. As long as you have original content on your website, you shouldn't worry too much about them having a close look at your site. Just tell them how you think your website is a better search result than the rubbish they are showing right now.