Google penalized your site? - Hit Back!

Last Update: July 11, 2012
Hi, there has been a lot of talk and different opinions about Google recent
updates. What to do and what should not. I just watch a webinar which was
hosted by Affilorama.

There was so much info that i can`t remember all of it but I make a few notes and now share those with you guys. There are main points of it, which you can easily do on every site you have.

So, here we go;
For first time ever, big G is paying attention to the user experience on your site.

The old way of "targeting keywords"

- visitors that search for specific keywords are low quality visitors that come in
as fast as they leave. This makes Google thinks you have a low quality site...
Even if you have great content. Here`s example;

Visitor A) Lands on your site from query: "BBQ cooking website"
This visitor is more likely to stay around, read your site and have a good user experience. Maybe even bookmark it if he thinks it`s good.

Visitor B) Lands on your site from query: "How to cook a butter chicken"
This visitor is likely to read... and then immediately leave.

NOW you say; What the H...!!! That is what people are teaching for a long time!?
Ain`t those "long tail keywords" are good? You are out of your mind.

That`s what i think too...but wait. Its make sence, just keep reading :)

Yes, they are good for sales... but bad for user experience which means
Big G penalties and little==>to==>no traffic. Period.

When online farmer Google talks about "high quality sites", they are not
talking about keyword stuffed sites. What we can do about this?

Write articles on topics instead of keywords (list of keywords).
We can mix "keyword articles" with topic articles.

If you only have keyword targeted articles on your site, you`re getting penalized
but If you mix in keyword targeted articles with great, on topic articles, you`ll rank!
(because your visitors will likely stick around to read other things)

Then another thing; Internal linking (most of affiliates does not do it, including me :-)
Linking inside your content, site to site, from article to another page on your site.

One more "tip": If you have static navigation in use on your site,
get rid of it. It has to be dynamic. Best example is You Tube. There is always
related videos on the sidebar, which make visitors to stay longer to their site.

Put that related posts or latest posts widget on your sidebar.
Thats all.

I`m not the expert in this, but if i found something useful and i think this
might help you guys, i will share it. Just hope that you like this and got some
ideas to make your site better.

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Shawn Martin Premium
Funny, I am following all of the above, and I have a view rate of 4.5 pages. It works. I only work two keywords a site page or topic. The one in the title and one other included in the body of the page or post. Thanks for sharing this.