Keep Yourself Productive Throughout the Day

Last Update: June 28, 2012
Just wondering what useful can i share with you WA friends. Then i remember this, which is helped me to get things done. If you have tendency of procrastination (like i have), try this.
Its written by Ruchi Vasishta. She is a fulltime internet marketer and a successful one.

1. The night before I write out everything I would like to acheive the next day, now
don't go over-board with this and make it impossible to win, and at the same time
don't give yourself a 20 minute task and then high 5 yourself for just doing that.

It's difficult for me to tell you how many tasks to choose, as everyone has different
circumstances, some are full time marketers, others only have 2 hours a day, so
look at your scheduled time and choose accordingly

2. Next to each task you have, write down exactly how long it'd take you to do
complete, don't be stingy here, but at the same time don't give youself 30 minutes
to send out a 5 minute email to your VA

3. Choose a starting time (Mine is 10am) and write in your tasks in to 50 minutes
chunks, (for example, you can group a 30 minute task and 20 minute task here).
After the 50 minutes take a 10 minute break before the next shift

4. Don't guess or rely on the clock, use an actual timer, I use something similar to
this, it shouldn't set you back more than about $5, but will do wonders for your
productivity (I time my breaks too)

5. It's important that your work time be uninterrupted, this is critical, make sure
you put your phone on silent, tell your family not to bug you until you've
finished/your break

6. Reward yourself - If you completed all of the above steps, then you've worked
hard, and you deserve your break, do something to reward yourself. Bonus points
if you choose your reward before you start working, as it'll keep you motivated
throughout the work day.

Hope this helps you to get things done.


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Deezdz Premium
Great tips.... I use my oven timer... not much of a cook so at least it gets used for something :)
paci Premium
georgejhaas Premium
Great ideas on how to be productive.
paci Premium
Yes, those should be help. thanks
WayneBPK Premium
Simple things like this make a HUGE difference. Implemented and thank you
paci Premium
bigstevec Premium
i like your idea - many times i write lists for myself and i find this to motivate me to be more productive but with a timer i'd probably have less distractions - how many hours a day do you plug into your formula?
paci Premium
Honestly...too many :)
angelle Premium
Good stuff Paci. Especially like the idea of using a timer.
paci Premium
Thanks, this "system" help me every day.