Your WP theme has a security hole

Last Update: July 22, 2012
If you are using Wordpress for your site, chance is you are using a good-looking theme for your site.

Do you know that these themes usually has a security hole that allow hackers to insert bad codes into your site?

Yes, even those theme that you downloaded from trusted theme design companies might be vunlerable.

Just scroll down for a 2-minutes DIY fix for this security issue, otherwise here's the story cut short: most of themes today uses a piece of code called TimThumb and there is a HUGE problem when the theme-maker uses an outdated version of TimThumb.. it allow hackers to insert codes to your site.

This free plugin will scan your website and check for outdated TimThumb file.
It will then update it, so bad codes cannot find their way to your site.

1. Login to your website's dashboard.
2. Click Plugins. Click add new.
3. Search for "Timthumb Vulnerability Scanner". The plugin is by Peter Butler
4. Install it and activate.
5. Go to Tools> TimThumb Scanner.
6. Click scan!
7. Select the files that are vulnerable (in red) and click fix/update.
8. Done!

I recommend you to scan all your wordpress sites with this, to improve the security.


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mskathidoll Premium
Thank you so much. Just scanned mine and so far I'm ok. Will add to each site I create.
Shawn Martin Premium
Added and thanks!
paci Premium
Thanks guys!
georgejhaas Premium
Paci, I want to thank you for this wonderful post. We had one of our sites hacked and did not know how it was done. This is great! I am now adding this plugin to all my Wordpress sites. This is another good reason to be a member of WA.
Hudson Premium
Paci, Thanks for taking the time to do this for us, much appreciated,