Want 20 - 50 new visitors in SECONDS!

Last Update: July 23, 2012
Hi, don`t remember are there training about this, but if you do not use this s"trick" you will
lose a lot of free traffic. I have done this many, many times...it works!

You all have those social buttons above your blog posts, right?
If you don`t have StumbleUpon button, then add it there. What you need to do is very simple.

#1 Create your Stumbleupon account. Keep in mind that you create account for your niche.

#2 Every time you make a new article/blog post, "stumble" it = submit = push that stumbleupon
button. Of course you can "stumble" older posts.

Create your profile related your niche, make a profile name which "stand out" and add profile image.
Do not spam. Max 3 stumbs a day.
Start follow people relevant to your website`s niche
Only stumb (post) your own content

Again, DO THIS...IT WORKS! Every time. If you can check your statistic in real time, you will
be amazed.


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paci Premium
Always learning... :) thanks!
Fanciadance Premium
Hi I don't mean to put a downer on your discovery but I posted about this a while ago. You are right in saying that you will suddenly see a surge in traffic but I have never made a single sale from this traffic. I also know plenty of others who state the same. It seems that the traffic you get from stumbleupon is automated in some way. Have you ever generated a sale from stumbleupon traffic. As we are all taught here at WA, traffic means nothing if it does not convert. Personally, I would rather get only 10 clicks a day and generate 1 sale than 100 clicks and no sales!
paci Premium
Yep, you are right. There is always traffic spike and then its settle down, but if i got lets say 30 visitors a day, after that spike i get 50 a day. Its not a bad thing, i think. This is
clear signal to big G..."hey this site got traffic." (this is not a new discovery :)
slayton1s Premium
Hey Paci, this is sort of what I'm talking about. There's gotta be some catch to it. It seems automated or something. Clicking 1 button just doesn't seem the answer.
melissafitz Premium
Thanks, I'm gonna try it out.
WayneBPK Premium
Thanks bro .. ill check it out!
slayton1s Premium
Seems like there's a catch to it though. It's a good strategy if it works for you I guess but just writing for the engines seems good enough. Other people could do it for you & it'll reverberate through a more unique audience.
paci Premium
I don`t mean you write articles just for this purpose. You can "stumb" your
SA articles too ;)