Keep Your Visitors Longer - with this plugin

Last Update: August 07, 2012
Hi, its WP Links plugin.

What is the purpose of WP Links?

For starters, the plugin substantially increases your average visitor time on page by keeping your site open longer. Let’s say someone clicks a link that is dropped in a comment, with most wordpress blogs, that link will open in the same “tab” or “window” ending that visitors duration.

If that user decides to further engage with your site, then they must then click the back button which unnecessarily alters the user metrics for that visitor. Now it has been shown time and time again that Google continues to increase their emphasis on incorporating these user metrics into their search algorithms.

So why would any SEO want to have their visitors bouncing back and forth because a simple target”_blank” attribute is not in place?

They wouldn’t, and this is where WP Links comes in. Simply parsing all of your external links to keep your visitors on your site as LONG as possible.

Immediately after installation the plugin will start to increase average visitor time on page, which translates to better user engagement metrics, and better rankings. The simplicity will blow your mind. It requires no more than a quick install and activation. Boom! Your website(s) will begin to immediately start seeing an increase in time on page.

Read more about it and download it here;
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Divine23 Premium
Thanks for the info...great!
jespinola Premium
Thnak you for the information
Jane Doe Premium
Thanx, I will definitely try it. All the possibilities there is to better SEO is just astounding to me. it all blows my mind.