Back To Work!

Last Update: March 15, 2011

Well, today was a day that I have been dreading for 5 months now. Yep, I went back to my job at the behavioral (psych) center!  But only part time.

No, I am not giving up here. I am online at least 12 hours out of a day! And I really do enjoy staying at home with my dogs and  being there for my kids after school. Oh, dont forget the hubbie! BUT, its like I'm missing out on something. 

All my friends are nurses too. And I can remember when we all compared "who had the strangest patients"! Now when we meet, all I can talk about is my kids, dogs and husband. So, yeah, thats whats missing! I'm missing being a nurse and people depending on me for their care. Is that weird or what?  

I had decided back in July 2010 that I no longer wanted to be a nurse. My oldest sister died of polymyositis (a muscle weaking disease). And she wanted to live! And I was angry EVERYDAY to see my patients at the behavioral center (i worked on the chemical dependent unit then) that gave no regard for their life. They didnt care if they lived or died! So, before I could "stop caring for them too", I left!

Now, I'm back at work. Actually missing it this time. And everyone was happy to see me! They still call me "SMILEY". (I'm one of those people that you can never tell that I'm mad since I smile constantly.) Funny thing though, I talked constantly about WA! and my websites. I was wondering what was going on WA while I was at work. ha ha ( I think I should've taken an accrediation course here, instead of going back to think?)

Anway, I just wanted my "buddies" here to know that since I'm back at work, that  I wont be sending you a "reply" back to those pm's so fast. And especially so that you wont think I am ignoring you.

Cause WA is a place that I plan to help me leave that psych ward once and for all! And I will leave soon! And then I will be able to talk about HOW MUCH MONEY I MADE ON MY WEBSITES, INSTEAD OF NURSING! ha ha


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The Charge RN Premium
I am an RN too and I have some of those days too, but I love it so much I couldn't imagine being away from it for an extremely long time. Where you work is difficult though, I couldn't even attempt to do psych nursing even though i am I do it every day. LOL! But not all day everyday. Good luck with getting back to marketing and leaving the psych ward.
jatdebeaune Premium
I think you have to be an angel to be a nurse, and a nurse in the psych ward, you have to be a double angel. I have such respect for you. I wish you a fulfilling time as a nurse, and a quick journey back to full time marketing.
tonylen Premium
Glad to know you are "getting it out of your system" and it sounds like you really care a great deal for others. Hope you can find a happy medium.
Labman_1 Premium
Good for you, trying to find a balance in your life is as important as making money. The nice thing about this is that you can back off on it and it will still be here when you get back.