Posts by Pounders 13
April 28, 2011
 Many of you have sent me countless PM's wondering where I've been this past week (I'm usually here on a regular basis trying to greet or help someone!).  Anyway, I am alive and well (as we like to say in MS)! The floods in MS have not directly affected me nor my family! Thank God! Although some of my neighborhood have had a lot of wind damage. (This is a A NEARBY NEIGHBORHOOD  that had actual tornadoes! And this is only round 2 as the local news is reporting!) If you havent
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 I have been puzzled with this question for the past few weeks. Is being in marketing really worth it? You spend countless hours on "building"  everything from websites and articles. Not to mention, all the other stuff you do to get "ranked"!  Believe it or not, some people build a website and write a few articles hoping that they'd be the next overnight success story! Dream on! Only few have had quick success like that! And if its your first day, week, or mont
April 08, 2011
My husband is always telling me how stressed out  he is at work (GE Aviation)! But, I recently got my hands on this video, and it proves that hes really having more fun than he tells me! (My husband is the one with the light blue shirt and safety glasses on. You should see him around the 30 and 40 sec. mark!) Having Fun While Working
March 15, 2011
Well, today was a day that I have been dreading for 5 months now. Yep, I went back to my job at the behavioral (psych) center!  But only part time. No, I am not giving up here. I am online at least 12 hours out of a day! And I really do enjoy staying at home with my dogs and  being there for my kids after school. Oh, dont forget the hubbie! BUT, its like I'm missing out on something.  All my friends are nurses too. And I can remember when we all
I'm not a successful person here at WA....Not yet that is! But, how do you measure success? Is it based on how much a person makes? How much they sale? Or how much they have to OFFER you? Well, I was raised to believe that success comes in many shapes, sizes and colors! So when I first started here and completed one tutorial after another, I felt more empowered (successful) than the first day! Or when I learned how to build a worpress site (man....did I have trouble!), I thought I had dis
February 25, 2011
For as long as I have been a member here, I have NEVER missed one of Jays' webinars!  And I really wanted to attend it because setting up hosting is one of my biggest weakness. Anyway! There is only 1 reason that will EVER make me miss a webinar! A family emergency. And that was the case tonight!  No, not my "human" family. But, my dogs. My registered male pitbull, Puncho (the brown one), ran off behind some "stray" female dog! It happened right after their s
February 15, 2011
This may sound strange, but I am OVERJOYED that  Jay answered my question tonight in the webinar!  I feel like I won a piece of the powerball! Don't get me wrong, I have asked questions before. And of course there are sooo many questions asked that I fully understand that Jay can't answer all of them. But, I had posted my question at the end, and waited for a response because Jay was talking to someone else. And then just as he was fixing to go, he said my name and repe
February 01, 2011
I was wondering how potpiegirl and the rest of you good folks were taking a pic of your computer screen (aka "screen shots"). Never could get the hang of the whole "alt +print screen key" concept. Guess because I didnt know where it went nor how to retrieve it. So, I stopped trying to do it! Then I found myself needing to do one on my blog.  So, after some quick research, I found the answer. So, in case you all want to learn how to do, I will list th
If you have troubles with setting up your Word Press site, than I have a solution for you. I have blogged about this for weeks now. Unable to setup it up with what they call those "simple" steps. Especially if you've read my other posts you will see how puzzled I was to finding out the answer. Well, look no further. Those steps are a bit....confusing! So, let me tell you exactly what I did to solve my word press frustrations. #1, buy the domain and point the nameserve
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January 20, 2011
Think of how surprised you are to realize that 3 days later, your invited to the article club. I spent all day Saturday congratulating others on the success of getting in. And to my surprise, I open my emails this morning to find the "day 3 article writing duties." I just wish I could of started on day 1 with everyone else. (I'm here everyday. Sometimes all day too. And working on my sites at the same time.) Thats why I dont see why I d