How Do You Measure Success?

Last Update: March 08, 2011

I'm not a successful person here at WA....Not yet that is! But, how do you measure success? Is it based on how much a person makes? How much they sale? Or how much they have to OFFER you?

Well, I was raised to believe that success comes in many shapes, sizes and colors! So when I first started here and completed one tutorial after another, I felt more empowered (successful) than the first day!

Or when I learned how to build a worpress site (man....did I have trouble!), I thought I had discovered the world!

Or even better, my first sale a few weeks ago. Even though it was only $20 some dollars, it was a sale! And I actually made money online!!!!!!

Either way, its all success.

Even when I was going to school for nursing. I knew nothing about how to be a nurse, except for the motherly instincts that God gives us women. But, I went to school everyday and worked hard at it. Now 13 years later, I still put those same skills and experience I learned from day 1 into ACTION!

Thats how I look at IM. I knew nothing when I first started! Sure, I could check my! But, everyday I worked hard. Asked questions. Some of them were even tough on me by only "referring" instead of showing me the way! But, it taught me how to do more for myself instead of reyling on them for the quick way out.

But you know what? In the end, I learned it! And I put it into action too! That way I never had to ask the same question again. That in itself was success for me (learning  a new skill).

I am only saying this because I want everyone here to find their way. Whether you and I be a member here for just this month or the next, take what you have learned here and measure it as one step closer to your successful future.


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sakura012 Premium
This is a great source of motivation for us newbies! Thanks!
Labman_1 Premium
Well said Thanks for the motivation.
prinker Premium
Great Blog! Success to us all!
Jamie Smith Premium
Excellent blog, you nailed it for sure! Props for constantly looking @ the BIG picture and taking action each step of the way. You will be amazed where your marketing career will be one short year from now.