Is Being In Marketing Really Worth It?

Last Update: April 28, 2011

 I have been puzzled with this question for the past few weeks. Is being in marketing really worth it? You spend countless hours on "building"  everything from websites and articles. Not to mention, all the other stuff you do to get "ranked"! 

Believe it or not, some people build a website and write a few articles hoping that they'd be the next overnight success story! Dream on! Only few have had quick success like that! And if its your first day, week, or month your lucky to see any success! 

But wait, what is success? Success (to me) is anything that I achieved today that I didn't finish yesterday! So, just because your not on page 1 of google, its not the end- maybe, your on page 10 today and were on page 17 the day before! 

Or maybe your questioning whether you should "get out" of marketing because you have "no sales". Hey! JOIN THE CLUB! The club that dosent care whether you have made a sale or not! (Heck! I've only had 2 sales myself!)  You would be surprised at the KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE that some of these other "saleless"  marketers have here! This community here is FULL of helping hands! Many people pay WAY more to get their questions answered like they do here! 

All I am really trying to say is that, you have to work at everything to have something! Because not many things in life are free anymore! 

Speaking of work, have you read THIS BLOG here! (She really has a good plan to see some results!)

Before I go, here are some facts that were released today by Yahoo! 

Is Being In Marketing Worth It?

My answer is still "yes"! I'm going to stay in it as long as I can. What about you?



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